Tub Girders
Tub Girders

Tub Girders (i.e. Trapezoidal Girders) are used in bridge and mass transit guideway structures. The typical WSDOT section has a flat soffit either 4' or 5' wide and web walls 54" to  84" tall, sloped at 1:7. Single piece girders typically span 40' to 130', or girders can be spliced to achieve a longer span. Stay-in-place slabs are often used in conjunction with Tub Girders to help form the cast-in-place deck on top. The cross sections for these types of girders are customizable, with the ability to modify width, height, and side-slope. Tub Girders can also be fabricated with a horizontal curve. The forming for these modifications can be costly and time consuming but can help achieve the architectural look you desire.



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