Washington United Terminal

Tacoma, WA

The Washington United Terminal (WUT) underwent a Bert Extension to increase its container handling capacity. This extension allowed the Port of Tacoma to supplement the existing four 18-wide cranes with three additional 24-wide cranes. The extension added an additional 600 feet to the existing 2000 foot wharf, to allow two post-panamax vessels to berth simultaneously. The berth extension was completed with the use of precast prestressed piling, deck panels and beams. 


Precast Prestressed Bearing Piles – 361 (ea) – 24” solid octagonal piles

Precast Prestressed Deck – 385 (ea) – 27” haunched deck panels

Heavy Support Framing – 163 (ea) rectangular edge beams and crane beams


Low Maintenance - Durable prestressed concrete provides a structure that requires little or no maintenance and will remain in like-new condition for decades

Economy - The prestressed pile and haunched deck system for this project is often referred to as the Puget Sound system of pier construction and is used extensively by the regional ports and the Navy due to its economy and durability.


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